A few helpful pointers to all families
1. Do NOT stop a child from explaining their side of things in regards to an event that invloves them. Especially if you were not there to witness said event. This only encourages the child to be withdrawn and not raise their voice when it matters most.
2. Do NOT tell a child that they will end up in prison on drug charges when they are barely in the third grade. This will just make the child hate you for the idiot that you truly are. The child in question will also remember every insulting remark when you try to boast of their successes to others.
3. For the love of god, do NOT immediately take what a teacher says as gospel just because you're too lazy to interact with the child yourself. As much as teachers try to make it look as if they are innocent victims, they do push children in many ways (talking down to them, with holding books, physical attacks)
but then again, most parents dont know how to be parents and let the belt and curse words do it for them...fair enough...same way they'll hopefully end up living alone and relying on the aide of of the occasional social worker.
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