Sunday, April 08, 2007

F.O.C.U.S part deux

ok the last time I wrote about focus, it was about how I lost my way mentally. It seems that the late night eating, forced frequent take out dinners, and forced inactivity at work (sitting behind a desk, nice) has taken my body for a ride. And just like the cutie you invited to carnival that ended up puking on the kamakaze...the end result isnt nearly as sexy as before.

So here it begins, phsysical reinvention time....don't get me wrong, i do work out but it's mostly my shoulders and chest (which people think i do steroids joke) but the guiness and heineys tend to round out an area or two. the equation for losing weight is pretty simple...calories burnt must be more than calories taken in.

So let's more midnight snacks, no more cold cans of cerveza based goodness, going back to martial arts training (cringes in fear), and what will surely have me sweating bullets for at least the first more SUGAR. That includes sodas, candy bars, milkshakes, etc.

on that is over rated blah


At 12:39 PM, Blogger Tammy G aka Riot! said...

U need to focus and keep posting more man.


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